Let us repay your loyalty!

For all our loyal clients who have been with us for many years and have placed an order with us since 1st March 2023, we want to say ‘thank you’ and offer you a special BONUS offer with your next order during May 2024.

For your next order over $1500 ex GST, received during before the end of May 2024 –

Choose one of the BONUS printed product options below FREE!

  • 500 business cards. Printed on 450gsm with velvet touch celloglaze
  • 1000 DL flyers. Printed on 150gsm gloss art
  • 250 A5 flyers. Printed on 150gsm gloss art
  • 125 A4 flyers. Printed on 150gsm gloss art

You can claim your BONUS until 31 July 2024.